Ingredients I used:
Short Grain rice-cooked in rice cooker
Seaweed sheets
Immitation Crab
Sesame seeds (I forgot this)
Rice Seasoning: Rice Vinegar, sugar, and salt
Cook vinegar over heat to dissolve the sugar and salt. Depending on how much rice you cook the amount of seasoning will vary. My first time I cooked three (maybe four, can't remember, oops!) cups of rice and so my seasoning mix was:
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/4 or 1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
I was not exact with my measurements. I eyeballed most of it. Anyway, the seasoning is mixed in with the COOKED rice. Or to make things easy you could buy a bottle of actual rice seasoning for sushi at the store.
One avacado and one average size cucumber cut in half gave me at least four rolls. So you don't have to buy a lot of the veggies unless you're making a lot. One cup of rice will make about two small rolls. I made two cups of rice and got two large sushi rolls with that.
You can put almost anything you would like in your sushi rolls. These ingredients are of the basic California Roll. I have yet to try other ones like the spicy tuna roll...Mmmm!